Thursday, August 9, 2007

Some Tunes

Otay, so for those of you who enjoy good lyrics and good singing, here are two female artists that I recently "discovered." Hope you enjoy as much as I did...

Colby Calliat
Colbie Caillat (aka CoCo) is an admitted California beach girl, and she sings like it. Her songs and voice reflect her bubbly and dare I say innocent personality. Really good music when you want to be uplifted or are in a fun mood.

Amy Winehouse
Imagine yourself in a hole in the wall New Orleans jazz bar. The room is dimly lit and cigar and cigarette smoke fill the air. The floor is slightly sticky, the beer is cold, a small stage is in front, and a pool table with a shark willing to play for cash is in back. Now imagine the perfect performer for the place and you got Amy Winehouse. Amy Winehouse, is a polar opposite to CoCo. She sings like she's forty years older, and her lyrics are as blues as it gets. Great music if your in a chill'in blues mood.

Peace out...

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