Friday, August 10, 2007

Golden Day

Otay, so the current house I live in has dog doors that lead to the outside. To take advantage of these doors I also happen to have two fuzzy, tail wagging, shoe chewing, fur shedding, 95 pound golden retrievers, named Mieka and Sage. Living with these sweet hearted, fun loving demons has taught me many things. For example:

1) If its not nailed down its fair game for a good chewing (someday I will post a comprehensive list of everything that has suffered this fate, however I just don’t have that much time right now!)
2) However the corollary is not true; just because it is nailed down doesn’t mean it won’t get chewed.
3) The phrase “Working like a dog” apparently means sleeping on the couch all day
4) Just because the squirrel they brought in looks dead doesn’t mean it is!
5) A golden always has the location of the six nearest tennis balls committed to memory.

Of the many lessons I have learned, one of them may surprise you. Goldens are excellent at telling what the weather is outside. You see every morning around 6:30 when my alarm goes off, my canine’s wakeup, stretch, and then go outside to do whatever Goldens do outside at 6:30 in the morning. When they come in I am instantly aware of the current meteorological conditions. Here are some of the indicators:

A) If there is a wet dog in my bed—Its raining
B) If I have a cold nose pressed against my side—Its cold
C) If they are rolled over on their backs under the air conditioning vent—Its hot
D) If they have wet feet—There’s dew on the grass
E) If they have wet feet and chest—There’s dew on the grass and I need to mow
F) If they are white—Its snowing (I’m guessing at this one)

This morning, however, was my favorite indicator. Head on bed, tail wagging, and tennis ball resting against my side. For those that don’t know, that’s the it’s-a-perfect-time-to-go-out-and-throw-the-ball-and-play day. And that is my favorite lesson I have learned from Mieka and Sage. Take a moment out of everyday to be a kid, run around, laugh, jump, throw a ball, whatever, but don’t forget to play.

So have a great day, smile, and don’t forget to take a moment out of your day to just throw the proverbial tennis ball around for a couple of minutes with those you love. Have a Golden Day!

Peace out…

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