Tuesday, August 7, 2007

iPhone-- Yawn

Otay, so before I get started I have a confession to make. I'm a crack head. Thats right, I can't go anywhere without my Blackberry. In fact I left my charger at work and my life line is down to almost nothing on battery charge. The thought of it dying makes me more stressed than a golden retriever being away from a tennis ball. Not pretty. So take my review below with a grain of salt...

So I went into the AT&T (Cingular, it was orange?) shop the other day to look at the iPhone. They had 3 or 4 of them on display. My first thought was, otay where are all the people. There were a couple people in the store but none of them were looking at Apple's hope for future profitability. So I strolled over to take a look. It's kinda sleek looking, although it has the same look as the iPod or the Mac. It's really not that much smaller than a regular cell, but hey if you want small get something else.

I played with it a little and was mildly impressed, although in my not so humble opinion, it didn't live up to the hype. And I'll be frank, the "keyless" keyboard sucked. Maybe I'm a clumsy-fat-fingered caveman but I couldn't get but about every other letter right. I really missed the tactile feel of the real thing. Being able to play your voice mail in any order is cool, and the iPod feature is nice, but you know what? I have an iPod and its got more storage than the phone.

If you can't tell by now I really didn't like the iPhone. Frankly, I like my Blackberry a lot more. Now I'm not an analyst but I honestly think this isn't going to help Apple like the street thinks. In fact I'm seriously thinking about shorting Apple stock. Here's why:

1) What's new in this? Everything in the iPhone has already been done. Its been neatly packaged but all in all I don't see the killer "app" here. The iPod has done awesome, but thats because Apple attacked the market first, it was new concept.
2) Apple prides itself on having unique easy to use interfaces. But guess what, thats what the Blackberry has also hung its hat on. The wheel on the side is pretty damn handy, and Blackberry's new interface on the front is really easy to use as well. Plus I can use the "keyless" keyboard without cussing every other letter.
3) Who are they targeting with this? Blackberry went after the business man/women market first and have done really well there. But the iPod's success seems to be mainly driven (caution totally unbacked up truthiness) by high school and college students. Are they really going to fork up the money for this?
4)iPhone is only usable with one provider, ouch!
5) Blackberry provides and actual service. For those that don't know Blackberry handles the email transfer and PIN. The provider provides the wireless network. What is Apple really adding to the equation?

Anyways thats my twisted opinion. And I think, OH MY GOD! MY BLACKBERRY HAS RUN OUT OF JUICE. HELPPPPP!!!!!!

Peace out...

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