Sunday, August 5, 2007

Otay, so I broke down and watched the republican Iowa debate today. Now I promise this blog won't be overally political for two reasons. First I'm on the fence on a lot of issues, which is really boring. Second, I may not be awake long enough to finish those posts.

So back to the debate. I watched the debate. Really, its not because I'm particularly political, it really had more to do with the fact that it was really hot outside, and it was either watch the debate (you know my civic duty) or mow the lawn. So my grass is still long, and after an hour and a half here is what I know:

1) Some of the republican representatives are just plain crazy. One was advocating a preemptive nuclear bombing of Mecca. Well if you want to unite all the Muslims in the world, I guess thats a good idea. Of course they would unite in common hatred towards the US, minor detail.
2) Some of the republicans apparently don't understand the term moderation. Its like poles on a magnet. There is something in the middle.
3) Looks like McCain had a tooth ache or something because his left check was swollen. He also looks tired. I respect the guy, but I don't think he's going to last.
4) Giuliano wins the quote of the week, "List all of my mistakes in 30 seconds, not possible."
5) Romney was at one time pro-choice, now he claims to be pro-life. Frankly (and I really don't care) I'm not sure where he stands. Although his quote about Obama was cute. Something like he wants to sit down with our enemies and have tea and bomb our allies. Probably out of context, but still cute. Maybe we should change Obama to "O' Bomb Them" Romney does appear to be the most presidential looking of the bunch.
6) They talked about a flat tax, or a federal sales tax in lieu of the current tax schedule. Hey, wait a minute! I want to be rich one day, don't ruin the tax holes for me! I do agree with Giuliano on lowering taxes may actually increase collection of taxes. I'll probably dive into that thought one day, but not tonight.
7) I left wondering, why Iowa? Somebody from Iowa must have been real influential back in the day to get the initial debates there. Maybe it was all the free corn you can eat.
8) Finally, I learned that I can't get really excited about an election that is over a year away, unless of course I have to mow the lawn and then its pretty darn interesting.

Anyways, peace out.

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