Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Democractic Debate

Otay, so first I need to apologize for not posting in a while. I've had things to say, but not time to say them. My Bad...

So I watched the Democratic debate today on ABC news. My first impression is that the Democrats are being pretty vicious. They immediately were attacking each other, while the Republican debate seemed to be more civil. As Barack mentioned he was preparing for the debate by riding in bumper cars. Not far from the truth. Kudos to John Kerry who tried to corral the debate in and make it more positive. Some of my other impressions:

1) Obama was kinda a none factor. He really doesn't grab the spot light like you would expect him to. My opinion is that he's starting to lose some of his early momentum. We'll see...
2) Is it just me or does Dennis Kucinich look like Golem from The Lord of the Rings? I kept waiting for a "Yes, my precious." Speaking of precious, is it just me or is his wife Elizabeth way to pretty to be married to Golem? Here is a link to an article about her. Also here is her MySpace site. If I thought Dennis had an outside shot to win, I would vote for him just to have her in the White House. A first lady with a tongue stud, the evening news would be much more interesting!
3) Mike Gravel wins the "not quite on kilter" award. He is the most adamant about pulling our boys home ASAP. And his voice suits his name, Gravely.
4) Hillary was, well Hillary. Love her or hate her she is a good debater, smooth and on target. She's apparently learned a lot from her husband.
5) John Kerry was also pretty smooth, and major Kudos for his positiveness. He's a little to "blue" collar for my tastes but I do believe he believes in what he says. One of my big concerns is with is wife. With her having a high chance of dying in the near term, do we want a president in office grieving for his lost wife? I know that's not very sensitive but...
6) I thought Joe Biden was the most impressive of the bunch. In my opinion he has the most credibility and I think he knows something about foreign affairs. Which frankly our country really needs right now.

So one of my communication professors, Chad Hermann here's his blog, once noted that the person who tends to win the election is the guy you'd most like to go out and drink with. Think about it some time. Based on that I that if I had to vote democrat, and as I listen to Coldplay from Elizabeth's MySpace site, I think it would have to pick Dennis Kucinich. But only if he brought is wife...

Peace out.

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